eco health & safety policy

Health and Safety Policy for: Eco-Genics Ltd; Eco Workspace Limited; Dry Ice (GB) Ltd; Eco Communications Limited; Eco Process Solutions Ltd; Eco Training Systems Limited; all part of the Eco Genics (Holdings) Ltd Group of Companies.

General Statements of Intent:


  1. The business intends to provide and maintain safe premises and healthy working environments.     
  2. It intends to assess risks effectively and apply measures to control them. It aims to provide and maintain safe plant, equipment and associated operating procedures.
  3. It intends to identify substances that are potentially hazardous to health and make sure arrangements are made to control the risks they pose.
  4. It intends to provide information, instruction, training and supervision, to ensure everyone is able to carry out their work safely. These provisions will be refreshed periodically or when anything that could affect health and safety changes significantly.
  5. It intends to involve and consult with worker representatives on health and safety issues.
  6. It intends to investigate accidents, incidents and cases of work-related illness, so it can identify and put right any shortcomings in its health and safety management processes.
  7. It intends to have effective arrangements in place to deal with injuries and reduce the effects of any incidents that could result in injury, ill health or damage to the environment.
  8. It intends to make sure information on health and safety issues is shared across the business.
  9. It intends to set targets for continuous improvement in health and safety performance, make sure resources are available to help it deliver those targets, and review its health and safety policies and procedures at least once a year during Management Review Meetings.
Signed by Eddie Black
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